Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Get On Board With IQKonnect Social Media Platform

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How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do they have? How many friends do they have and so on? Can you count that high? IQKonnect is a new invitation only social media platform coming soon that rewards and pays its users! What if your connections totaled just 50,000 and they all enrolled in IQLife’s digital service IQDefender for just $9.95 per month? That equals .30 cents #residual #income every month! (50,000 times .30 cents is $15,000 per month). Did you know over 64 million people pay $30 or more for #Linkden and they don't get paid for it? Wake up and join the thousands that are becoming First Inviters and receiving a #paycheck every month! Watch out #tsu#byebyefacebook. Time to take back what's ours! #millionaireclub
#GETPAID now with #IQLife!!!


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