Thursday, 30 October 2014

How to download Videos to your PC and Phone from YouTube via

YouTube is the largest video sharing community on the Internet and it is fully loaded with millions of varieties of videos uploaded by individuals, brands and organizations. You can watch as many videos as possible on YouTube provided that you have enough data and fast internet connection on your PC or Smartphone, where you are accessing it. The only turnoff that so many people have for YouTube is its download restriction; most of us prefer downloading videos on our devices instead of streaming them directly so that we'll be able to watchthem later without wasting our data again, but unfortunately, there is no download option under YouTube videos which means that no matter how hard you merry-go-round on YouTube, you won't be able to download a single video but thanks to some softwares and websites that makes it possible to download unlimitedly on YouTube for FREE.


   The best solution which I'll recommend for you to download movies, videos and all sorts of things on YouTube is SaveFrom.Net. With SaveFrom, no matter how big or small the video is, you'll be able to get a download link and start downloading the video almost immediately.
There are two options to download videos you like directly to your device, one is faster than the other even though it's just a slight difference. Note: Downloading videos from any website or blog is possible without navigating to YouTube, provided that the video player or video widget is YouTube's. also supports downloading from some other websites apart from YouTube e.g. Vimeo, Facebook, VK

   Now, let's assume you want to download the 'Official introduction video of the Samsung Gear S Smartwatch' (which is available in one of our posts on SBCN) or any other video on YouTube. These are the steps you'll take.


- Right click on the video, then a list of different options will be displayed.

- Click on the 'Copy video URL' option.
- Now, press Ctrl + T on your keyboard to open a new tab or just open a new tab or new window the way you are used to.
- Type the URL -> in the URL bar.

- When the page is done loading, paste the video URL you copied earlier inside the text box on the page and click on 'Download' (as seen above)
- A list of the available download file types with each video's pixel will be shown e.g. MP4 360p, FLV 240p etc

- Now, click on your preferred download file type and the download will start immediately.
- When the download is complete, you'll be able to view the video in the downloads folder on your PC. Voila !

    Note that the procedure listed above is the same process you'll take while downloading videos from YouTube on your mobile phone too. But in the case of mobile phone, you won't be able to right click and copy link URL like you'll do on PC, so what you'll just do is - you'll copy the current URL on the address bar of your mobile browser while you're on the video page. Hope you get that ?

   After all, you can see how simple and easy it is to use Savefrom to download videos and movies directly from YouTube & some other video sharing sites. One of our upcoming posts will explain how to download YouTube videos without following the procedures above every time, with just a click of a button. Do you have any contribution or question about this post ? Don't hesitate to use the comment box at the bottom, kindly share this post with others using the share buttons below.

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