Tuesday, 4 November 2014

How To Reduce Your Internet Data Usage

This is to help you reduce data usage on your PC. When browsing on my PC with my modem, I hardly spent enough time when the Data will be completely used up. I later got to find out the reason: I’m not the only one browsing, even some softwares are busy browsing! LOL!!!

Browsing the internet with a modem usually comes with limited data cap size that costs so much, and needs to be managed effectively if you want to enjoy the internet connection for so long. Here is what you need to do to reduce your data usage and ensure it lasts for you.

  1. Turn Off Windows Update: Windows Update will always try to connect to Microsoft website and download recommended updates. I turned this off because it usually uses  up a large chunk of my 1 GB of Data subscription. To Learn how to do this, click this link: Turn Off Windows Update For Vista/Windows 7
  2. Turn Off Antivirus Update: I have Avast antivirus on my PC. This antivirus, just like Windows, will always want to collect some updates from avast.com, thereby using up a portion of my data subscription. I turned this one OFF as well.
  3. Turn Off Other Software Updates: You may also want to check other softwares on your PC for the likelihood of auto update feature being turned ON. Then turn them OFF.
When I accomplished especially the first two of these tips above, my data usage normalised and lasted much more than it did previously. Try this out and tell me if it helped you as well.


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